Moving Light
2017 | Crowd Flow experiment
Moving Light is a large quantitative experiment into the influence of light on crowd flow, conducted at Glow light festival 2017. We created a 23m x 6m structure with an interactive zone and an experiment zone. The experiment zone featured an obstacle in the middle of the path. We investigated if different light levels on either side of an obstacle influenced the people’s choice to pass the obstacle on the left or right side. We also included conditions with neutral lighting, and arrows to the left and right. We captured roughly 140.000 tracks of people with depth camera’s.
A scientific paper about the experiment can be found here. A more elaborate paper about the effect of light is in progress.
Experiment conducted in collaboration with Signify (Philips Lighting) and the TU/e Intelligent Lighting Institute. Project lead by Philip Ross and Marius Trouwborst. The team: Alessandro Corbetta, Maurice Donners, Antal Haans, Fedosja van der Heijden, Matthijs Hoekstra, Ion Iuncu, Werner Kroneman, Timo LeJeune, Martijn Hultermans, Bert Maas, Sjoerd Mentink, Randi Nuij, Sara Schippers, Federico Toschi, Sander van de Wijdeven and Walter Willaert.