
 Making music with light together

The interactive light and music installation a|rp|ay invites people to create music together. Tall beams of light, 6m high arranged in a large circle, form a gigantic musical instrument analogous to wind chimes. When normally your hand would pass right through a light beam, here each beam responds to touch: You can push them, make them sound and chime together with other beams and other people. The visitors, young and old, enthusiastically engage in a collective, physical and creative activity. Melodies and harmonies of varying complexity emerge, expressing the sum of all individual actions. At full swing, people may even start to recognise musical evergreens from the popular and classical genres. The songs can be tailored to a specific location, country or venue, to strengthen their meaning to the audience. a|rp|ay is available in different sizes depending on the venue, and suited for indoor and outdoor environments. It is accessible for wheelchairs.

Pictures by Bart van Overbeeke.